igandea 01 abenduak, 2024
Ateak: 20:00   Hasiera: 20:30
Bukaera: 23:30     Prezioa: 12/15

The Flabbies

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The Flabbies was formed in 2015 in Istanbul by childhood friends Oguz Kont and Sarp Daglar Sahin. After working on different projects together for over 10 years, the duo released their first single Gentrification in 2015, followed by a 3-song EP, which introduced a style like no other in Turkey.

After the EP “2015”, they released their album Back in Town, consisting of 7 songs. With the album drawing a lot of media attention, they started to perform concerts and appeared as guests to several programs. In 2016 the duo released their track “Afterclap” and shot a commercial video with the Italian car giant FIAT. After performing at several festivals, they released their single “Turkish” in 2018 and reached a global audience. The duo continued their work and released Acoustic Memories in 2019.

Wanting to take their music to a different point during the pandemic, they recorded a song while being apart for the first time and their single Under the Sun met with their listeners in 2020. Upon Under the Sun, Oguz Kont and Daglar worked on a brand new format and at the end of 2021, started to record their new album.

Switching from a duo to trio with Can Surmen taking over the drums in 2022, The Flabbies accelerated their work and introduced their new song “Jungle” in April 2022. After releasing their second album ”ALIVE”, The Flabbies continues to meet with their audience at concerts and festivals.

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• Nola iritsi Dabadabara

Dabadaba Donostiako Egia auzoan dago, Tabakalera ondoan. Kanpotik bazatoz, autobus geltoki nagusietatik eta RENFE-tik 5 minutura gaude.

• Sarrerei buruz

Kontrakoa adierazi ezean, kontzertua hasi baino ordubete lehenago ateak eta lehiatila irekiko ditugu.. Sold out aurreratua izanez gero, ez dugu txarteldegirako sarrerarik erreserbatuko. Ez duzu zure sarrera inprimatuta ekarri behar, mugikorrarekin nahikoa da. Kontzertuak amaitzean, barra itxi egingo da eta 23:30etarako aretoa hustu egingo da, gaueko ekitaldirako prestatzeko.

Kontsultatu ohiko galderak eta arauak


Informazio erabilgarria

Cómo llegar a Dabadaba

Dabadaba Donostiako Egia auzoan dago, Tabakalera ondoan. Kanpotik bazatoz, autobus geltoki nagusietatik eta RENFE-tik 5 minutura gaude.

Sobre las entradas

Salvo que indiquemos lo contrario, abrimos la taquilla una hora antes del inicio del concierto. En caso de sold out anticipado no reservamos entradas para taquilla. No hace falta que traigas tu entrada impresa, con el móvil es suficiente.


Guajira Sicodelica S.L., Dabadaba

Mundaiz 8
20012 Donostia-San Sebastian
Get the direction

Guajira Sicodelica S.L., Dabadaba


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